工程结构/Engineering Structure
工程先进技术/Engineering Advanced Technology
工程结构与抗震/Engineering Structure and Seismic Resistance
高层建筑和大跨度结构/High-rise Building and Large-span Structure
建筑结构与桥梁工程/Bridge Engineering
特殊结构/Special Structure
建筑技术/Construction Technology
结构的监视与控制/Monitoring and Control of Structure
制图与地理信息系统/Cartography and GIS
混凝土结构/Concrete Structure
施工与控制/Construction and Control
检测与改造/Testing and Modification
力学分析/Mechanical Analysis
隧道及地下结构/Tunnels and Underground Structure
结构修复改造和加固/Structural Rehabilitation Renovation and Reinforcement
钢结构/Steel Structure
材料与构件/Materials and Components
岩土工程/Geotechnical Engineering
市政工程/Municipal Engineering
海岸工程/Coastal Engineering
地质工程/Geological Engineering
供热、供气/Heating, Gas Supply
通风与空调工程/Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works
材料质量与控制/Material Quality and Control
金属结构/Metal Structure
操作与维护/Operation and Maintenance
防灾减灾/Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
测量工程/Measurement Engineering
排水工程/Drainage Engineering
智慧城市/Smart City
智能建筑/Intelligent Construction
智能交通/Intelligent Transportation
智能建筑的风险管理与决策//Risk Management and Decision Making for Intelligent Construction
智能楼宇自动化控制系统/Intelligent Building Automation Control System
计算力学/Computational Mechanics
计算机仿真与CAD/CAE/Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE
城市规划与设计/Urban Planning and Design
建筑材料/Architecture and Building Materials
绿色建材/Green Building Materials
生态建筑/Ecological Architecture
智慧城市路线图/Smart City Roadmap
环境可持续性/Environmental Sustainability
智能出行/Smart Travel
智能能源网/Smart Energy Network
智能城市数据分析/Smart City Data Analysis
数据协调,集成和处理/Data Coordination, Integration and Processing
智慧城市治理/Smart City Governance
智慧城市的软件技术/Software Technology for Smart Cities
环境建模与应用/Environmental Modeling and Application
可视化城市数据分析/Visual City Data Analysis
数据驱动的城市规划与设计/Data-Driven Urban Planning and Design
智能城市系统/Smart City System
智能交通系统/Smart Transportation System
水利工程/Hydraulic Engineering
河流动力学/River Dynamics
工程水文学/Engineering Hydrology
水利水能计算/Water and Hydropower Calculation
液压机械/Hydraulic Machinery
工程测量/Engineering Survey
水文和水资源/Hydrology and Water Resources
水资源规划及利用/Water Resources Planning and Using
水工钢结构/Hydraulic Steel Structure
水电站施工/Hydropower Station Construction
水利工程及管理/Water Project and Management
港航/Port and Waterway
水电规划/Hydropower Planning
农田水利/Irrigation and Water Conservancy
农业水土工程学/Agricultural Water-soil Engineering
防洪抗旱管理/Flood and Drought Management
水土保持/Conservation of Water and Soil
结构抗震/Structural Seismic Resistance
结构抗震设计/Structural Seismic Design
地震与地震动/Earthquakes and Ground Motions
建筑场地、地基与基础/Building Site, Foundation and Basis
结构抗震设计计算原理/Principles of Structural Seismic Design Calculation
地震剪力调整及最低地震剪力要求/Seismic Shear Adjustment and Minimum Seismic Shear Requirements
混凝土结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Concrete Structure Building
砌体结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Masonry Structure Building
钢结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Steel Structure Building
混凝土结构梁式桥抗震设计/Seismic Design of Concrete Structure Beam Bridge
结构减隔震技术/Structural Seismic Isolation Technology
结构抗震加固改造设计/Structural Seismic Reinforcement and Transformation Design
结构的动力分析/Dynamic Analysis of Structure
结构选型与结构布置/Structure Selection and Structure Layout
地震作用计算/Earthquake Calculation
墙体承载力验算/Wall Bearing Capacity Check
重大工程事故分析与防范/Analysis and Prevention of Major Engineering Accidents
公路、桥梁、隧道抗震加固改造/Roads, Bridges, and Tunnels Seismic Reinforcement Reconstruction
结构修复、改造及加固/Structural Repair, Transformation and Reinforcement
智慧建筑/Intelligent Building
预测性维护/Predictive Maintenance
融合网络/Converged Networks
无线改造/Wireless Retrofit
生物识别集成/Biometric Integration
计算机管理系统工程/Computer Management System Engineering
楼宇设备自控系统工程/Building Equipment Automatic Control System Engineering
保安监控及防盗报警系统工程/Security Monitoring and Burglar Alarm System Engineering
智能卡系统工程/Smart Card System Engineering
通讯系统工程/Communication System Engineering
卫星及共用电视系统工程/Satellite and Shared TV System Engineering
车库管理系统工程/Garage Management System Engineering
综合布线系统工程/Integrated Cabling System Project
计算机网络系统及宽带接入、增值服务工程/Computer Network System and Broadband Access, Value-added Services Project
广播系统工程/Broadcast System Engineering
视频点播系统工程/Video-on-demand System Engineering
综合物业管理系统工程/Integrated Property Management System Engineering
多媒体会议系统工程/Multimedia Conference System Project
大屏幕显示系统工程/Large Screen Display System Project
智能灯光、音响控制系统工程/Intelligent Lighting, Sound Control System Engineering
工程设备/Engineering Facility
机械设备/Machinery Facility
电气设备/Electrical Facility
静置设备/Stationary Facility
非标准设备/Non-standard Facility
连续传输设备/Continuous Transmission Facility
监测检测/Monitoring and Testing
钢结构应力监测/Steel Structure Stress Monitoring
大型施工项目应力变化监测/Stress Change Monitoring for Large Construction Projects
结构健康监测/Structural Health Monitoring
基坑监测/Foundation Pit Monitoring
大体积混凝土浇筑温度监测/Temperature Monitoring for Large Volume Concrete Pouring
工程实体结构检测/Engineering Entity Structure Testing
工程原材料检测/Engineering Raw Material Testing
工程质量鉴定/Engineering Quality Appraisal
耐久性评估/Durability Assessment
安全性评估/Safety Assessment